Large crowds turn up for Gwango job interviews

Large crowds turn up for Gwango job interviews

Apr 28, 2014

Large crowds turned up at Dampa Secondary School to interview for jobs at Gwango. We expected to spend four hours interviewing candidates, but instead stayed until well into the evening hours until ev

Five lions ambush a kudu bull at Gwango

Five lions ambush a kudu bull at Gwango

Apr 22, 2014

Easter was no ordinary holiday at Gwango! Five lions ambushed a large kudu bull, right near one of our new Tree Top Villas. This sort of wild commotion is not unusual at Gwango, the big cats and other

Thirsty elephants in Hwange

Thirsty elephants in Hwange

Nov 19, 2013

One of Gwango's top priorities is safeguarding and increasing water access for the wildlife in Hwange. Zimbabwe's Presidential Elephant herds visit our waterholes often and elephants are among the man

Meeting our neighbours in the Hwange bush

Meeting our neighbours in the Hwange bush

Oct 19, 2013

With so much wilderness around, who wants to work all day? We spent some time exploring the bush and meeting some of our neighbours in the wilderness surrounding Gwango Elephant Lodge in Hwange, Zimba



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