Free to Smile visit and Brave Tom

Nov 14, 2017

This month, the Gwango team got really excited about a second visit from the Free to Smile volunteers. The team came to Hwange for a short break after spending a week at Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo whe

Infrastructure at Dampa has expanded

Infrastructure at Dampa has expanded

Nov 14, 2017

How happy I was during an unscheduled visit to Dampa Secondary School today! I found that the school had not wasted any time in constructing a building for flushing toilets.

Grey crown cranes are back at Gwango

Grey crown cranes are back at Gwango

Nov 14, 2017

Birds flourish this time of year, and in particular, we look forward to seeing the return of certain birds we've grown accustomed to seeing.

Drilling again at Gwango Heritage Resort

Drilling again at Gwango Heritage Resort

Nov 12, 2017

Vimpy's battered old drilling rig is back to drill yet another borehole for the elephants and wildlife at Gwango. This time, it’s at Gwango Heritage Resort near Gobelo Bar & Grill.

Tree down, but James didn't share with Victor

Tree down, but James didn't share with Victor

Nov 11, 2017

Last night a huge rainstorm came through, and with it a strong wind. We found this morning, a massive teak tree had been yanked from its roots. It now lay spread across the Kalahari sand near our voll

Baboons and our thatched roofs

Baboons and our thatched roofs

Nov 10, 2017

Tiresome! That is the only word I can come up with when I think of the baboons here. I remember our first few weeks at Gwango. We had nothing but the bush to watch all day, and I'd spend hours observi

A scorpion stings Husky

A scorpion stings Husky

Nov 07, 2017

He pranced ahead excitedly, glad to be outside. Suddenly, Husky leaps 2 meters in the air yelping! He's been bitten by a scorpion on his left back foot.

The fat sisters

The fat sisters

Nov 05, 2017

Grumpiest of all the beautiful bunnies so far are two fat sisters, Molly and Mandy. We are getting to know the personalities of our rabbits as they grow larger (and heavier).

Deluxe Chalets thatching complete

Deluxe Chalets thatching complete

Nov 04, 2017

Our newest room type at Gwango Heritage Resort is the Deluxe Chalet which includes two double beds, en suite bathroom and private verandas with a forest view.

Flamboyant tree outside Dete Post office

Flamboyant tree outside Dete Post office

Nov 02, 2017

Interestingly, among some Christians, there is a belief that a flamboyant tree was near the place where Jesus was crucified. The blood of Jesus was shed over the flowers of the tree and this is how th

Building nesting boxes

Building nesting boxes

Nov 01, 2017

After the fatal failure of our first kits, we are learning the rabbit breeding cycle. Mate in the hutch of the buck, palpate at 10-14 days and then place the nesting boxes in the doe's cage at 28 days

Thatch grass from women in Dete

Thatch grass from women in Dete

Oct 30, 2017

The women of our community go into the forest to cut grass at the National Parks, Forestry areas and on private concessions. The agreement they make is that they'll work (provide labour), in exchange

Fig trees and rabbit manure

Fig trees and rabbit manure

Oct 27, 2017

The big dilemma is how I'll grow fig trees in an environment where elephants pluck literally every bit of vegetation that I plant.

A hutch for a pregnant doe

A hutch for a pregnant doe

Oct 25, 2017

In expectation of her litter, we have built Misty a rabbit hutch. We've placed some straw in the nesting box. We are not absolutely certain when to expect the litter since the mating took place on dif

Bob is a shy guy

Bob is a shy guy

Oct 22, 2017

Cleaning rabbit hutches, feeding and petting the rabbits is quickly becoming my favourite passtime.



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