River Horses in Hwange

River Horses in Hwange

Jul 25, 2024

Hwange National Park is one of the rare places where thousands of species continue to thrive in their natural habitat, free from fences or the encroachment of human activity. At Gwango, our efforts ar

Do animals value family?

Do animals value family?

Jul 18, 2024

Do animals value family? Are they family-oriented? These are questions we often hear from guests visiting our game parks. The answers are closer than you might think - you don’t have to search far t

Gobelo farm

Gobelo farm

Jul 11, 2024

Gobelo is more than just a community enterprise, it’s a vital part of us.. Established by the owners of Gwango, is not just about offering farm tours and dining experiences (though we do that pretty

The night sky

The night sky

Jul 04, 2024

At Gwango, we have the privilege of a wide and unpolluted night sky. When the stars come out, they reveal a universe of stories waiting to be told. Here, under the pristine skies, you can see the cosm

Safari saga

Safari saga

Jun 27, 2024

It’s been chilly lately and as we mentioned two weeks ago, we’ve been making the most of the fire pit on these brisk Zimbabwean winter evenings. This week, on one of those evenings, just as the su

Lions visiting the farm

Lions visiting the farm

Jun 20, 2024

Last Sunday morning, like most mornings here at Gwango the mood was serene and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. We felt a breeze whisper through the air, leaving the all-too-familiar sense that as

Fireside tales

Fireside tales

Jun 13, 2024

As winter grips Gwango Heritage, the chill in the air might just fool you into thinking you've wandered into Europe rather than Africa. Guests have been bundling up as if preparing for an Arctic exped

The Hamerkop

The Hamerkop

Jun 06, 2024

The Hamerkop, the bird that's shrouded in legend and lore and known by many names across Southern Africa: the Lightning Bird, the Bird of the Heavens, the Rain Bird and even the Bringer of Death. The

Elephant encounter

Elephant encounter

May 30, 2024

It was as if nature itself was setting the stage for a grand entrance...
And what an unexpected entrance it was! A herd of about 200 elephants - calves, cows, bulls, and even the mischievous teenage

Python in the Pond!

Python in the Pond!

May 23, 2024

Just another day, another adventure here at Gwango where the unexpected is just part of the experience, and every day brings a new story waiting to be told.

Driving into camp

Driving into camp

May 16, 2024

Typically our visitors fly into the Victoria Falls airport (which is an international airport). From there, you can choose to spend a night to two in Victoria Falls before getting on the road to Hwang

Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus Leadbeateri)

Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus Leadbeateri)

May 09, 2024

So, if you happen upon the majestic Southern Ground Hornbill while trekking through the African wilderness, pause for a moment and reflect on the stories they carry within their wings.....perhaps, if

Spoor tracking

Spoor tracking

May 02, 2024

Spoor brings us back to the soil. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the old ways are the best ways. And, perhaps we can for just a moment remember that our past still connects us to our present. Take

Waterhole at the deluxe chalets

Waterhole at the deluxe chalets

Apr 25, 2024

With this new addition, guests at Gwango can look forward to even more mesmerizing wildlife encounters right from the comfort of their chalets. Waking up from the sound and sight of majestic elephants

Lion and sable standoff

Lion and sable standoff

Apr 18, 2024

On the golden sands of Hwange National Park, a normal day usually kicks off with a race between a Sable Antelope and a lion. It's a classic-the Sable must outrun the lion, while the lion knows it just



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