Bulawayo, a city of beauty

Sep 04, 2018
Bulawayo, a city of beauty

We’re in Bulawayo now, prepping for a travel show (Sanangai/Hlanganani). I went to school in Bulawayo as a child and spent most of my teenage years here, so I’ve always been fond of this city, it brings back so many memories of my childhood.  

This place.. is home to Khami ruins and Matopos and one of the greatest Museums in Africa. More modern than most foreigner would think, it’s a place of hustle and bustle. It's crowded streets are crammed with people and vehicles of all sorts, cars, trucks, buses, mini-vans all pushing along these roads which were built in an era of horse-drawn carts. 

I stopped for a few moments to catch my breath at the top of a flight of stairs in an old office building where the elevator isn’t working. When I looked out at the cityscape, the view took my breath away.

What emotions, memories and longings are concealed here..



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