Seasons at Gwango

Sep 26, 2024
Seasons at Gwango

As we make a life at Gwango, we have come to realise, out here, we don’t just have seasons. Each year, we live through several periods of natural phenomenal transformation. From the dry heat of summer to the life-giving rains of spring, each season gives the wilderness a new look…Mother Nature’s personal makeover. Be it the crisp winter mornings or the lush, green explosion of spring, one thing’s for sure: Gwango weather always keeps things exciting.

Summer (September to November)
Ah, summer! It’s hot, it’s dry and the suspense is real. The skies are clearer than your to-do list after a holiday and the sun is out with a vengeance, turning the Hwange landscape into a golden, shimmering sauna. Waterholes become VIP zones where everyone’s trying for a spot - buffalo, elephants and all sorts of predators - you name it, they’re all hustling for survival. The bushes are thorny, the trees become mere shadows without leaves, and the animals - they’re put on a show (especially around the pans). This is the time to grab your camera and prepare for nature at its most dramatic.

Summer Gwango pan

Spring (Late November to early January)

Here’s where the magic happens! Spring rolls in, and with it, the rains. After months of dry, dusty waiting, the skies open up and it’s like the bush is finally throwing itself a party. Almost overnight, everything turns green. The grass shoots up, the trees blossom with flowers and green leaves - and all so suddenly there are pops of colour EVERYWHERE, like confetti at a bush celebration. The animals? Oh, they’re overjoyed then.. The stress of scavenging for food disappears as impala, zebras, giraffes - literally everyone feasts on the fresh greenery. It’s also a time for birthing, so if you’re lucky, you could also catch sight of new born species.

Walking through Gwango during spring feels like you are stepping into a whole new world. It’s vibrant, it’s fragrant and it’s full of inspiration.. The air smells fresh, the views are jaw-dropping and you can’t help but feel alive. 

Rainy season (January to March)
As spring flows into the rainy season, things get even wilder. The bush thickens up even more and sporadic rains pour come crashing down in dramatic bursts, followed by sunshine that makes everything glisten. We often see what we call a monkey’s wedding during this time. It’s those refreshing short spurts of rain that come while the sun shines.

Rainy season Gwango elephant lodge

During this period, the rivers and streams fill up and the pans are brimming with fresh rain water, offering wildlife a well-deserved thirst quencher. The whole landscape transforms to lush, green forest. It’s nature in full bloom - and there’s something deeply comforting about watching it all unfold.

Autumn (April to June)
Autumn sneaks in quietly, cooling things down and painting the landscape in soft, golden tones. The rains ease and the bush slowly dries out, though it still holds onto its lushness from the wet season. This is prime game viewing time - the temperatures are just right and the animals are still happily well fed. It’s also a great time for walking safaris or bird watching, with the cooler weather making those long treks more comfortable. There’s a quiet anticipation in the air as well, a sense that the cycle is gearing up for its next big act.

Autum-Hwange national park

Winter (July to August)

Winter at Gwango might just surprise you. Sure, Africa’s known for its heat, but those chilly nights will catch you off guard! Evenings around the campfire are a must, swapping wildlife stories while bundled up in your cosiest layers. The teak trees rustle in the cool breeze, whispering their memories of the rains that have come and gone. Daytimes are warm, though, so you’ll still get that perfect balance of brisk mornings, sunny afternoons and long, lazy siestas. The vegetation is dry and sparse, making it IDEAL for spotting wildlife. So don’t be fooled... winter here is a prime time for game viewing as you can see deep into the forest.

The big reset

And just like that, after months of waiting, the rains return again and it’s like someone pressed ‘reset’ on the entire ecosystem. The bush explodes back to life, the air feels different and you can almost hear the earth sighing in relief. The animals, the plants - they all seem to be rejoicing. Every day, something new sprouts, there's new wildlife sightings, or just the sheer joy of watching the world come alive again.

No matter the season
Whether you’re here during the heat of summer or the lush, green revival of spring, Gwango in Hwange always has something spectacular up its sleeve. It’s never the same. Every season has its own special flavour. So, no matter when you visit, you’re in for an experience that’s both memorable and one-of-a-kind.



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