Our supply runs and local connections

Sep 05, 2024
Our supply runs and local connections

When you think of Gwango, you probably picture elephants, stunning sunsets and maybe a cheeky monkey or two (we love those little guys). What you might not realise is that behind all the safari magic, there’s a whole lot of hustle that goes into keeping things running smoothly - starting with our supply runs.

..Now, you’d think sourcing supplies for a lodge in the middle of the bush would be an arduous task - and you’d be absolutely right! But we’ve turned the process into something much more tolerable. Whether it’s a supply run to Bulawayo or Victoria Falls, to gather up everything we need, from meats to construction materials and linens - or a short run to the local Dete community shop for mealie meal - we’ve learned to make our trips productive. The supply runs are a good chance to also stop into the city print shop to pick up copies of the latest Gobelo menus, or stop by the Post Office to register our vehicles. We also get a chance to catch up with our favourite butcher or to see friends along the way (ie, basket weavers, the artisans who carve the amazing curios in our gift shop - or even to see the policemen patrolling the traffic stops that we’ve come to know from over 10 years of driving up and down the highway.

For a while, we did all this using our trusty old vehicle, affectionately dubbed 'Tortoise.' She may be slow, but she sure is strong and reliable (she actually has played a BIG part in building Gwango). Thankfully, we’ve upgraded to a slightly speedier cargo van named Sentry (yes, we name all of our vehicles), but the supply runs are still as much about the journey as they are about the destination.

Of course, not everything has to come from the big towns. We've got our own organic farm, as we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, where we grow a good bit of our own food, from veggies to eggs, all lovingly produced at our Hwange site. But we’re also big on supporting the local community. We regularly source chickens from local farmers - which create jobs. We love knowing that we are part of a HUGE network and that each day we help so many other businesses grow ..And we could list a myriad of them… from the steel and hardware shops to the local ground transfer companies, or the merchant that supplies our paper cups and cling wrap, or the local fuel station, or the tire shop or the uniform manufacturer and so so many others. We are all interconnected - each one of us needs the other...

When it comes to fruit and vegetables, again..  it’s all about the local farmers. Hwange's soils are not the most fertile - but amazingly we have some really productive community partners who have our back when it comes to certain supplies that we cannot grow. Interestingly, there are some edible plants that grow really well in our Kalari sands, so we have no shortage of options. Supporting local growers means we’re not only serving up fresh and healthy meals, but we’re also giving back to our communities.

As we expand Gwango, with new construction at both Gwango Kule Camp and Gwango Tamarillo Estate, we’ve had a constant need for construction materials. Bulawayo and Victoria Falls have become our go-to hubs for everything from roofing materials to nails, and we at times have to look further for the difficult to find needs such as gum poles, which came loaded up on a huge truck all the way from Mutare. It's not just about building; it’s about building relationships with our suppliers, supporting them as they support us on this wild journey of growth.

And speaking of growth, our design isn’t something you’ll find at just any lodge. Our chic decor and architecture are inspired by the local Nambya and that’s what really sets us apart. From the woven baskets and intricate beaded elephants or the traditional masks and sculptures of our ancestors - we source as much as we can from local artisans. It’s a way of celebrating their creativity while keeping things authentic.. This is what makes us Gwango!


So, if you are lucky enough to be relaxing at the second floor swimming pool next to the waterhole (because that's where you get the best views of everything, including the elephant herds who come by to see if it’s their turn for a dip) ..feel good and relax even more knowing that you have helped to support a whole community and that they have been part of making your stay possible. We’re proud to be a part of this wild and remote ecosystem - both the natural one and the human one.



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